domingo, 17 de junio de 2012

Christmas carol

How we connect it to our world?

It is really easy to see a similitude between the book and real life. The main thought  that came to my mind is that we don’t worry as much as you could until we really need it.

Something has to happened to make us change and make us realize that we are doing something wrong, if it is not like that we never think about the future and the consequence we will have .

Extremely unbelievable it but truth as big as our world, “We are not aware what we have until we lose it”.

Online dating

Dating people by internet is something pretty popular now in our society . I am not interested and I don´t support that idea of meting  people online but there are some who are very busy and they don’t have time to waist joining other people .

On one hand online dating is insecure and has a lot of disadvantages, for instant, you aren’t able to see that person in real life so you are never going to know how her or him looks like .Face´s gesture are very important , make you be aware of those thoughts that you cannot see if you are having  an online conversation.

On the other hand, it is a easy way to find new people in a very comfortable situation just sitting in your house in front of the computer. There you can select who you are interested in. One of the advantages I really like is that if you don´t like someone you just tell him or her that you won’t have anything seriously and it is over , it is fast and beneficial.

On my conclusion gestures are part of our communication and first of all the appearance is essential for it .

Most of us think the same but few made it

Christmas carol

How we connect it to our world?
It is really easy to see a similitude between the book and real life. The main thought  that came to my mind is that we don’t worry as much as you could until we really need it.

Something has to happened to make us change and make us realize that we are doing something wrong, if it doesn´t happen we never think about the future and the consequence we will have .

Extremely unbelievable it but truth as big as our world, “We are not aware what we have until we lose it”.


Have you ever turn the TV on and found whatever you were looking for?

I didn´t it. I start watching like thousand shows at the same time, waiting to be surprised for one of them.

Nowadays television in my opinion is a wait of time. News are interesting but who want to hear how bad is Spain coming down and  many people die a day owing to our bad government and our selfishness . While there are a lot of programs spending millions of euro easily and not usefully.

Furthermore I realize that whatever we hear from the TV is what our government what us to listening to so it doesn’t make any sense , are we feeling sorry for those who need help or worry about the foot of our king ?

Television is a great and magnificent advance but I can live without it.

martes, 12 de junio de 2012

Summary of "A christmas Carol"

A selfish , miserly man called Scrooge doesn’t like Christmas as well as any other party where you have to be joined by people and be nice with them .

He used to work with a men called Marley , he was egoist and ambitious . Marley was death , it was a  punishment where his spirit was going to be condemned by wandering with heavy chains.One night he went to visit his friend Scrooge to help him from sharing the some face, he let him know that three spirits will visit him during each of the next three night . After it Scrooge fell asleep .

The first arrival was the gosh of Christmas past the spirit guided  Scrooge on a journey into the past to previous Christmases. They were invisible to those he watches. Scrooge visited his childhood school, he saw Belle, a woman who leaves Scrooge because his lust for money was more important than love a person like her . 

The Ghost of Christmas Present, took Scrooge through London to find out Christmas as it will happen that year. Scrooge watches his  family preparing a miniature feast. He discovers his clerk´s crippled son, Tiny Tim, a boy whose kindness and humility warms Scrooge's heart. Scrooge  beg the spirit to stay until the very end of the party.

The Ghost of Christmas future leads Scrooge through a sequence of mysterious scenes telling the story of a man's recent death.Scrooge sees how businessmen discussing the dead man's riches, some vagabonds change his personal effects for cash, and a poor couple expressing relief at the death of their unforgiving creditor. Scrooge is anxious to learn the lesson of it.He praies to the spirit to know the name of the dead man. After argue  with the ghost, Scrooge appears in a churchyard, the spirit pointing to a grave and he find out that he is the death men who they were talking about.
 Finally he renounce his avaricious ways and to honor Christmas with all his heart, and he find himself save in his bed.

As he said he try to be grateful for that incredible opportunity he had and he start a new life living Christmas in a different way .

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

¿Te imaginas que volviésemos a los años 20?

Como el título del proyecto de este trimestre se llama teimaginas? Lo primero que se nos vino en mente fue hacer algo gracioso y divertido, algo que nos gustase imginar y entonces decimos que iba a ser un baile. Esta fue la primera decisión, pero queriamos algo más, y pensamos en un pequeño teatro que sirviese como introducción y también incluimos esto en el trabajo. Una vez teniamos la estructura hecha, pensamos en la crisis actual, en lo mal que está la sociedad y la juventud, y se nos ocurrió pensar en una época feliz y de prosperidad económica y social. Esta época resultó ser los felices años 20 o también conocidos como los años locos. El baile pues, debía  estar ambientado en esa fecha y escogimos el cabaret, ya que tuvo su máximo esplendor durante esta década y también por su vitalidad y expresividad. El baile con todo esto ya estaba acabado asique solo nos faltaba el pequeño teatro inicial, y decidimos hacer una pequeña crítica a la actualidad en la que vivimos que sirve como comienzo y a la vez enlaza el título de nuestro trabajo ¿te imaginas que volviésemos a los años 20?  con el baile.

domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012

Such a worth trip

While I am outside talking and taking a break with some friends from Spain the rest were in Iris´s house eating a delicious meal joined with tea, normal here in Amsterdam.

 Sunny day , no too cold , we were standing next to the lake , the sun rose and it was reflected into the water, the gentle breeze came to my face , it was one of the most relaxed, peaceful moment in the whole trip. I didn´t have any worry at that moment everything was going great.

 Suddenly a thought came to my mind , four years ago I went to Ireland with an agency and a friend of mine. Over there the weather is kind of similar, one day some of my friend and I went to the lake , that one was huge , we saw the sunset, the light from it make me relaxed and the breeze came as the same way than it did that afternoon in Amsterdam. It´s a great feelings when you are out of everything and you got plain freedom. The weather can play with our feelings really easily.

Undoubtedly it hadn´t be the same without some people from Spain because they made it unforgettable. I am glad I could spend a fantastic week with all the people I went with , I made closer relationship with some of them that I had never thought I was going to.

 This kind of trip make you appreciated who is around you and how new people can impress you and come into your life. We should give to everyone a chance to be our friend and to be part of our life you never know who is going to change it.

lunes, 30 de enero de 2012



Os vamos a enseñar a leer los gestos de una persona mientras habla , es mucho más importante de lo que vosotros creeis , es alucinante como solo con la mirada podemos llegar a descifrar infinidades de cosas. Pies , manos , cara , picores, todo nos informa de nuestros actos inconscientes.

martes, 24 de enero de 2012


Domestic abuse, occurs when one person in an intimate relationship or marriage tries to dominate and control the other person. Domestic abuse that includes physical violence is called domestic violence.
Abusers use fear, guilt, shame, and intimidation to wear a person down and keep him or her on his or her hand.
The most common signs is fear, the constantly watching, weird behaviors usually they defend those acts blaming their couple. The main problem is that their partner sees it as a hobby like an object which they can play with.
In general domestic violence is a worry about someone that became an obsession and it is hard to admit and to solve.
It is a really common problem in women, 85% of domestic violence victims are women, one in every four women have experienced domestic violence in her lifetime. Nearly 7.8 million women have been raped by intimate partner minimum ones.
As a women I feel worry about it, it shouldn´t be as common as it is. Domestic violence looks like a habits, something normal, the power of the men in the relationship must not be like that. It´s surprising how many women are being mistreating in a physical and psychological way. We are too afraid of how bad men can handle us, we are afraid to speak up and betray them because we are afraid of the consequences. FEAR IS THE WORST THING IN LIFE.
I don’t have the solution for it but I have a piece of advice, don’t let men drive your mains, be sure of yourself and remember that in love suffer is not a good friend.