domingo, 17 de junio de 2012

Online dating

Dating people by internet is something pretty popular now in our society . I am not interested and I don´t support that idea of meting  people online but there are some who are very busy and they don’t have time to waist joining other people .

On one hand online dating is insecure and has a lot of disadvantages, for instant, you aren’t able to see that person in real life so you are never going to know how her or him looks like .Face´s gesture are very important , make you be aware of those thoughts that you cannot see if you are having  an online conversation.

On the other hand, it is a easy way to find new people in a very comfortable situation just sitting in your house in front of the computer. There you can select who you are interested in. One of the advantages I really like is that if you don´t like someone you just tell him or her that you won’t have anything seriously and it is over , it is fast and beneficial.

On my conclusion gestures are part of our communication and first of all the appearance is essential for it .

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